

General Notes:
We have officially moved to the house on Bates now (a majority of our stuff is here and we sleep here, etc) but have made little progress finishing our move the last few days due to a combination of dehabilitating headaches and flu symptoms among us.
Nonetheless, we were able to "show off" the house to some family the past weekend, and that was nice.
Jenny has been preparing for an "American Doll" show at Barnes & Nobles this Saturday, so that has also kept her busy. She has prepared most of the events herself, being dissatisfied with the provided materials, so those 8-12 year old girls will be treated to a slight education in 30's-ish hobo signs and culture, which I found interesting myself.
The 27th will mark Jenny & my 5th wedding anniversary, which amazes both of us because the time has gone very swiftly. We plan to spend time here at the house because it's still pretty novel and cool even to be here.
My general manager at Best Buy is a very intense person. While sometimes being great to work with, there are other times when his "passion" is stressful. Recently he informed me to "watch it!" while I was disagreeing with him. Today he walked into the store for merely a few minutes before leaving. Apparently he was sporting a cast on his forearm, and the rumor I heard was that he suffered the injury while expressing a pointed opinion to a coworker by slamming his fist on a desk.


Anonymous said...

You guys need to put up some pictures! I want to see one with Idris and his sword...

Anonymous said...

And pictures of the house...

Anonymous said...

And Happy Anniversary...

Benjamin said...

thank you!
pictures will be posted relatively soon. they need only be downloaded and posted at this point.