
Original People

It becomes clearer to me that Idris is very different than I was at his age, and his personality seems quite original to me. By that I mean that I'm rather unsure where it came from. Obviously, we all formulate original (to varying degrees) personalities, but I always imagined that, given the opportunity to witness the formation of a young personality up close/first hand, I would be able to gather a more comprehensive sense of where/how he would develop behaviors and trains of thought.
Although thought patterns have been easy enough to trace, I can't begin to account for some of Idris' demeanors. While demonstrating a Passover dinner at my parents'-in-law's church with 150-odd people, ours was the table with a microphone. This was suitable for Idris while he was not in nursery:
When someone instructed the microphone be passed to the speaker, Idris piped up "You can pass the microphone to ME!"
When everyone was instructed to open their books, Idris announced "I don't have a haggedah(spelling incorrect)."
His line, practiced numerous times at home, was eagerly spoken into the microphone. When his aunt took the next few lines he had practiced, Idris grabbed for the microphone and was NOT happy.
After the supper, during cleanup, Idris regained the microphone and entertained everyone with such songs as "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" and whatever else he could think up.
He then led a vocal charge about the church, running up stairs, through halls, and often down the elevator, avoiding the lava which was carelessly left on the floor.
I suppose it comes down to his having some very definate agenda most of the time. He always seems to be needing to do something or explain something. He's often "very busy" and very vocal about it.
Those of you who knew me when I was young can probably compare nothing of that memory with these behaviors, and Jenny- though less silent and obsessively receptive than I- was not, I believe, like that either.
Today, I was in the breakroom when Idris ran back to say "hi". I told him to run into the next room and hit one of my co-workers with his sword. I watched him run into that room, then back toward Jenny in the store. Kevin came out then and asked if that was my kid. "He hit me REALLY hard, and right in my gut".
So goes the Blue Knight

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