
We Are Homeowners!

Jenny and I became homeowners the other day, and are looking forward to moving. We accomplished the goal of finding a great place within a nice area of STP. We have 3+ bedrooms, 2+ floors, 1700+ ft2, appliances, 2 bathrooms, and easy access to downtown, parks, walking trails, and both 35E and I94 (and 61 & 52, for what good that will be). It also satisfies my great desire for a circular floorplan- on two floors, no less. I will finally have an office space for all my stuff and we will be able to house guests with ease.
If you wish to locate the place on a map, the adress is 604 Bates Ave, STP, MN and it has a zip code.
Thank you for all of you who have already wished us well. Those who haven't- please get with the program.


Jonathan said...

uh, i would remove identifying information such as your address. your blog is public and any random person can stumble across it via the buttons on the blue toolbar (and other methods). i wouldn't want people to be able to come to my house and stalk me.

which is the next part... congrats on the house! 1700+ sqft will be a huge change from your current arrangements.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I wouldn't worry about it. People who don't know you won't read your blog, believe me; and if people want to stalk you, you already have other problems. ;)

But cool, it's official now then. Post photos! Shaun told me about the house when he dropped by a few weeks ago, but was unable to produce pictures of the place.

Benjamin said...

Yes, thank you both on the feedback. I'm actually hoping to pick up a few stockers, as my life has been void of them thusfar. If they get too close to the house, my sniper should take care of them.
I will try to post photos sometime here, but I am digital camera challenged, and haven't taken any traditional photos yet either. We'll get there