
Between the Night Job and the Day Job

Many hours are wasted in this gray area between night and morning shifts. When I only have 4-6 hours between times I need to be at work, I'm not always able to maximize the time by getting sleep. Usually I get a nap in, and check my e-mails, do some dishes, (recently) pack some boxes, stare blankly at the tv, jog (if it's not freezing or slippery as it's been), or do something much less productive with my time.
Annoyingly, tomorrow is my one "full day off" this week. We have a 2 hour meeting at 7. As a supervisor, I need to lead a "break-out" portion of the meeting for my department. That's going to be great.
I also have daylight savings to look forward to, as it will fence-in another hour of my day off by getting me up, effectively, at 4am Sunday for a split- shift (I also work Sunday night). It's rarely this bad anymore, but I'm plenty annoyed right now.


Matt "M" said...

Finally, a blog about a family member. This is like a reality show in which I already know the contestants. Although no one gets rejected. Except, of course, for the down and out burg of Lauderdale- population, three fewer. Won't you guys miss the bright lights of downtown L-town?

Benjamin said...

A reality show? I must brush up on my cliched dialogue!
brother: won't you guys miss the bright lights of downtown L-town?
me:(sarcastically) yeah right. I think it's more like L-town's gonna miss us (emphatically)
brother: That Lauderdale sure is a down and out burg- population, 3 fewer.
me: (suddenly urban) for shizzle, B.
(then we do some secret handshake developed off-screen as I describe the camera pulling out and hip music bumps us into the next blog-scene)