
Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary

Last night Jenny and I finally took a long walk down the recently-opened trail linking Swede Hollow Park to the Bruce Vento Nature Sanctuary (and eventually Mounds Park and beyond). It's strange to be in a wide-open field not far from downtown STP and just below Dayton's bluff. The area is pretty well hidden from the road and features remnant of old railroad tracks, industry, and old brewery buildings which were pretty cool. The best sight was a flooded cave which you can approach along the bluff. It is gated off (as are many caves around STP) and was apparently of some significance to people of the Dakota tribe some time ago.
On the way back, Jenny and I crossed the footbridge over highway 94, and I don't think either of us had crossed any roadway that size before. I think I enjoyed it a little more than Jenny did, but it was fun.

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