
Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to all.
Come to our New Year's part, if you haven't already been invited!


Strange Evidence

Strange things were showing up the other night which are difficult to make an accounting. The first item was a small piece of scratch paper which was lying on the floor. Idris brought it to my attention: "What's that?" he asked and pointed at it. It featured some stickman- like drawings complimented with various, suspicious abstractions in the background not unlike a drawing Idris himself may have made. "Who do you think put that there?" Idris asked. Then he led me to a more provocative item in the other room. A door, slightly ajar, had rubber bands stretched from one doorknob to the other. "Who do you think did that?" Idris asked me.
"I just don't know who would do such a thing" I agreed.
Idris was also able to point out a couple bottles which were banded together and explained his utter mystification at the phenomenon.
We agreed it was very mysterious.